Friday, August 21, 2020

Religious studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Religious research - Essay Example A religion is a hard and fast of beliefs and practices of a network that holds them inside the obedience of codified ideals, believed to be the orders from God, and rituals. It refers to both the non-public practices and the rituals completed by a group to reflect conformity of ideals and obedience to the Supreme Controller. Various definitions for religion have developed and lots of materialistic people have attempted to push the religion to a separate area of existence most effective limiting it to the obligatory acts of worship and rituals but, religion is in no way distinctive from one’s actions outdoor his/her location of worship. A wide variety of religions and its followers, especially Islam, teach their disciples to spend their whole life whether or not in Masjid (Muslims location of worship) or out of doors in step with the commands of God and stress at the truth that faith is on the heart of existence. Whichever faith someone belongs to is clear from his daily recurring, doctrines of a selected religion are found out by using the rituals and the actions one plays in his daily existence. A Christian might go to a church every Sunday, a Muslim would visit his Masjid five instances an afternoon and further a Hindu could visit his Temple at prescribed instances. Islam has been the maximum debatable faith inside the aftermath of Sep 11 attacks on the twin towers, but ironically sufficient because then it has been the quickest spreading religion all through the world and mainly within the West. Due to this amazing fact Islamic doctrines were used in the context of the following dialogue. Belief inside the spiritual context is the faith inside the existence of something supernatural, unseen and unexplainable for an everyday mind. Conviction is therefore step one and the maximum fundamental requirement of any faith. To strongly accept as true with the reality of the existence of God, the fundamental principles of a religion, the Holy Book and the honesty of the Religious Leader who added the divine message is the doorway in the direction of

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